Wednesday, May 22, 2013

You bloggers should check out my little movie I made for my school! It talks about our football team! I hope you guys enjoy it! Go to the website at the bottom of this page it will be worth it!

Friday, May 10, 2013

AND GOAL!!!!!!!!!
For soccer of course you need to shoot in the net but you need to think about where to shoot because there is going to be a player blocking the goal. It is important to have good aim and you would want to aim for the corner
 of the goal so it was a better chance of getting in the goal because if you shoot in the middle you are shooting right towards the goalie.

Okay for soccer and almost every sport players are ALWAYS going to either going to hate the refs or like them, because they may not see the foul or off sides and sometimes the call something that it unfair.But without the refs we couldn't have a game.

Soccer is a main part of my life I don't know what I would do without! I made so many friends and I love my team,my coaches and everyone that supported me. Even if we lose a game it does not matter, what matters is that we played hard and did our best. Soccer is a awesome sport and I simply love it!!! 

The rules of soccer are you are not allowed to touch the ball with your hands unless of course your the goalie. Also when you throw the ball you can not lift your feet up or else it is a incomplete throw and you lose the ball. Another basic rules is to not be offside. You are also not allowed to put your elbows up when you are guarding your opponent.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Soccer skills and drills:
Some soccer drills that you need to be good at is dribbling, passing, and learning how to pass the ball. Some drills are ladders such as the picture above. And touch ups like the first picture above. These drills help you get control of the ball so you can play better.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The history of soccer

Soccer is popular not only in american but the whole wide world. Some suggest that the earliest signs of a feet-based ball game date back as far as 2500BC, during which time the Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese all appear to have partaken in such activities. So  nobody is really sure of how soccer started.